Serena Ralston – Client services director

What is your role at bClear?

As Client Services Director, I make sure our clients get the best service, supported by our fabulous team’s creative flair and attention to detail.

What is your background and experience?

I’m a communications professional with over 25 years in media relations, public engagement and client relationships management. My specialism is P.R and I have worked for a wide range of organisations from London Underground to engineering consultancies, and PR agencies. I started my career as a journalist and have written for trade and professional press, national newspapers and consumer magazines. (I’ve also done a little bit of radio, including doing the ‘travel news on the Tube’ on LBC!). My other specialism is community engagement for infrastructure and regeneration projects and I have also worked as a town planner. I have postgraduate qualifications in town planning and journalism.  

What inspires you?

Positive climate action – taking steps, however small, to help our fragile planet. I’m passionate about the climate, sustainability, great architecture and urban planning.

What do you enjoy most about your role?

Helping our clients shine through great communications. I enjoy getting complex information across in a clear and compelling way, turning it into great stories, and seeing resulting positive media coverage.

What do you like to do when you’re not at bClear?

Travelling across Europe by train, yoga, country hikes, green politics, moseying around art galleries, and pootling around on my bicycle (but not in Lycra!). I love great poetry (W.H.Auden and T.S Eliot especially) and really enjoy hunkering down with a good book. I indulge way too often in grumbling about bad architecture and planning.

What does this photo mean to you?

I’d just got off the Eurostar in London after a wonderful holiday with my husband. We’d taken a pledge not to fly so this was an experiment in holidaying by train. We travelled through France and Spain, stopping off in Paris, Bordeaux, San Sebastian and Bilbao. Magical food, wine, art and beaches. We cut our carbon emissions but definitely not our waistlines!

How to get in touch

Whether you’ve got an urgent need for effective PR for your business, or just want to find out more about how we work, we’re always happy to chat.