Jasmin Staveley – PR and Social Media Account Executive

What is your role at bClear?

As a PR and social media account executive, I’m always on the lookout for how to tell a story to inform, entertain and inspire while increasing a brand’s visibility and reach.

What is your background and experience?

Starting with a degree in English Literature and Creative Writing, I was inspired by the power of words to motivate, persuade and transport the reader.

 Since then, I’ve spent a decade working closely with clients across different sectors, taking the time to really understand their needs and helping them achieve their goals. 

What inspires you?

Creating connections with people, learning their stories and what drives them. Whether that’s an 87-year-old Vietnamese rice farmer, with a beaming smile, who is still working 12-hour days on a farm; learning about a client’s business, what drives them and what it takes to thrive; or understanding the motivations of my toddler!

What do you enjoy most about your role?

Finding new ways to tell a story, making information accessible and relevant while helping a business to succeed. Learning about new technologies and staying ahead of ever-changing social platforms.

What do you like to do when you’re not at bClear?

Exploring new places as often as I can! I love the buzz of stepping out somewhere different, learning cultures from the locals and trying new food. Whether it’s working in aboriginal towns in Australia, walking with Komodo dragons in Indonesia or Caribbean dance lessons in St Lucia. Now I have a toddler it gives me the opportunity to appreciate places locally and see them through fresh eyes – although we’ve still managed to explore the canals of Venice and ruins of Kos, just a bit slower!

 I am also a breastfeeding peer supporter in my community, providing much-needed support to local parents.

What does this photo mean to you?

Indonesia was our last stop on an incredible couple of years living abroad; this photo was in the middle of a four-day boat trip. We climbed this hill at sunrise for spectacular views, before walking with Komodo dragons in the afternoon, followed by swimming with manta rays off a pink sand beach, then climbing up a ‘sticky’ waterfall at sunset. We slept under the stars on roll-out mats on the deck of the boat.

How to get in touch

Whether you’ve got an urgent need for effective PR for your business, or just want to find out more about how we work, we’re always happy to chat.