Rachael Kenyon – Office manager

What is your role at bClear?

As office manager I look after bClear’s day-to-day planning, HR duties, policies and procedures and financial management.  I’m also on hand to help the PR team with coverage reporting, training and as a liaison with clients as needed.

What is your background and experience?

From international publishing sales back in the 90’s to 12 years as Business Manager at a franchise drainage firm running the office, day to day operations of the field engineers’ team and being the contracts manager on numerous large accounts. 

What inspires you?

The satisfaction of getting things crossed off my to-do list. There’s a sense of accomplishment and progress that comes with ticking off tasks, motivating me to tackle more challenges.  Outside of work, nature and beautiful views impact my overall well-being.  I listen to podcasts about health and well-being which fuels my motivation to lead a balanced and fulfilling life. Learning from experts and gaining insights into maintaining a healthy lifestyle and personal growth, provides me with the inspiration to make positive choices across my physical and emotional health.

What do you enjoy most about your role?

What I enjoy most about my role is the satisfaction of ensuring things get done. I thrive on the challenge of spinning lots of plates all at once and achieving tasks swiftly once they are on the planner. The dynamic nature of my responsibilities keeps each day unique and exciting – there’s never the same day twice. Variety, as they say, is the spice of life, and I appreciate the constant learning and adaptability my role demands.

In addition, staying up to date on what is happening in the financial world is another aspect that I find fulfilling and challenging. Being aware of the latest developments adds a layer of relevance and significance to my work.

What do you like to do when you’re not at bClear?

Outside of work, my favourite pastime is singing in a community choir. It’s an incredible way for me to completely switch off and experience a positive endorphin rush. When I’m fully engaged in listening and watching the musical director, reading the words and the music, and singing all at once, I find that I can’t think of anything else. It’s a really immersive and uplifting joyful experience.

I also enjoy long walks, especially when shared with friends and I take part in organised charity walks with a group of friends called “The Walkie Talkers”. On weekends, you’ll often find me in the kitchen, either cooking for friends or experimenting with new recipes. I love trying out different dishes on willing guinea pigs, or baking treats for the family. Cooking, for me, is not just a hobby but a fantastic way to relax and unwind.

What does this photo mean to you?

Having been brought up with annual holidays in Scotland and the Lake District my “go to” happy view is always lakes and hills, and this one, very close to home, just makes me feel at peace and so so lucky.

How to get in touch

Whether you’ve got an urgent need for effective PR for your business, or just want to find out more about how we work, we’re always happy to chat.