After over a decade with bClear, Jayne West is retiring. Before she goes we’ve asked her about some of her most memorable moments, key achievements and what retirement looks like.

What did the office and bClear look like 12 years ago?

When I started working at bClear in February 2012, it was just me and Debbie with two desks and a few shelves.  We didn’t have any systems like we do now, everything was on spreadsheets.  We had five clients, and my job was part admin and accounts and part PR support for Debbie.

What have you enjoyed most while working at bClear?

The variety.  My job has evolved so much over the years and I have been responsible for developing our policies and procedures, moving to digital systems and have taken on more HR responsibilities.  I’ve always really enjoyed writing and still keep my hand in with various comments for clients.

I’ve especially enjoyed working with clients and journalists and, although I have never met many of them, I have a very good rapport with everyone we work with.

Of course, seeing bClear grow and working with lovely people has been a major contribution to the overall enjoyment.

What is your most memorable moment?

I was always very proud that a comment I wrote for one of our clients was picked up by The Express and part of the comment was used as the front cover headline that day.

Can I have another, please?  For my ten-year anniversary, I was gifted a holiday, which was such a wonderful surprise and something I am so grateful for.  We splashed out and had the most memorable holiday in our favourite place, Pollenҫa old town in Majorca, with our last night in Palma.  I’ll always remember that holiday, it was very special for so many reasons.

What would you say are your biggest achievements?

Gosh, there are quite a few, as you can imagine.  I believe I have been instrumental in helping to build the business from two people to a team of eight, soon to be seven!

Evolving our systems and procedures to ensure we are always doing the right thing by our staff and clients.

Hearing great feedback from our clients and journalists that they enjoy working with me, or that I have helped them out, or just that I’m personable and easy to talk to.

Oh, and winning the blind tasting at our Stand Up for Cancer cake bake last year – a very proud moment.

How will you be spending your retirement? (are you writing a cookbook yet?)

Good question!  Lots of walking, cycling, swimming and exploring in the UK for the first couple of years.  We’re moving to Yorkshire and there is so much to discover there and up into Northumberland and Scotland.

Anyone who knows me knows how much I love cooking and preserving, so there will be a lot of that going on.  I would like to get some of my recipes down on paper and, yes, I’m even thinking about a cookery book.

I would also like to get involved in the local fundraising group for the RNLI in Flamborough.

My husband is retiring at the same time as me and we both love fishing, so we definitely want to do more of that, and I would like to have another go at golf so that we can play together.  I had to give up because of a bad back years ago, but I always enjoyed it and feel it might be time to see if my back will hold up now.

I also love to crochet and already have a couple of projects I’d like to get underway.  Also, if we manage to find somewhere with a decent garden I will be outside as much as possible.

So, all in all, I don’t think we’re going to be bored.